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This section is for active training students of jermaine andre'.


Active students of jamma can access the specialty password required belt pages of your current rank. these pages have information, videos, equipment & more exclusive to jamma students only. here is how you gain access.
Step #1.
message the dojo to get the passwords for your current belt ranking(s). you will be given the passwords for the pages that you are qualified to enter. you also will be given the password for "mind & body" page.
step #2.
return to this page and CLICK the bELT BELOW that matches the rank that you currently hold in the mma black belt program. You will be taken to that page. enter the password that was given to you. do not share this password with anyone ever, not even students.
step #3.
read & complete everything on the page! feel free to contact jAMMA with any questions.
do not share pages, or material with anyone including family, friends, & other students. if they are properly ranked & in good standing they will have access granted to them directly by jamma staff.
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